Tag Archive for: 21st century skills
Building a Movement
MHA stands for the means and measure of human achievement. Our stakeholders envision a world where young people are vested with the skills and resources they need, to achieve the personal, family, and community aspirations they want. ...more
MHA Overview
Launched in 2012, MHA Labs is the manifestation of a three-year grassroots movement to radically improve the 21st century skills development of youth and young adults. ...more
MHA Building Blocks
MHA Labs’ 21st century skills system focuses on a common set of easy-to-understand 21st century skill targets called The Building Blocks. To address cultural and contextual differences among our users, MHA Labs researchers isolated the core human success factors deemed most critical for college, career and life success. ...more
Teaching for Transfer
Deeper learning is called for, when the goal is to prepare students to be able to solve new problems and adapt to new situations. Calls for such “21st Century skills” as innovation, creativity, and creative problem-solving can also be interpreted as calls for deeper learning. ...more